Assembling Courses

We have been carrying out training courses on a regular basis for the assemblers of our customers for many years now.

Glass Assembling courses

We have been carrying out training courses on a regular basis for the assemblers of our customers for many years now. The new component system QVF® SUPRA-Line has optimized pipe ends and a new coupling system. Fitters now can use the same flanges for fl at and ball& socket glass ends and even the same gasket. Nevertheless we focused on compatibility to former systems during development. So we train the participants on QVF® and Schott and their adaptation also. In addition to this, there is instruction in the fundamental theoretical foundations and correlations of Borosilicate glass.

Further, due to a limitation of the number of participants, closer attention can be paid to special problems of individuals, which come about as a result of this practical work.


Basic course

This basic course conveys the basic knowledge, which is necessary to work
with glass safely. This knowledge is deepened through practical instruction
in assembly and dis-assembly of frames, pipelines and equipment.
This course is suited for assemblers, who lack or have insufficient practical
experience with glass, or for those who just want to refresh their skills.

  •  Introduction to glass as a basic material
  •  Basics in glass apparatus construction
  •  Installation of pipe lines and glass apparatuses
  •  Frame construction, the basics
  •  Assembly of frames
  •  Glass components and apparatus construction practical work
  •  Compatibility with former programs

Advanced training course

This advanced training course deepens and expands knowledge conveyed in the basic course. Therefore, it is recommended that you take part in a basic course before taking part in the advanced training course.
The practical instruction includes assembly work on valves, heat exchangers and columns as well as maintenance work on heat exchangers and stirring machines.
This course is intended for assemblers, who would like to systematically improve their skills. At the same time they are provided with the latest knowledge and experiences.

  •  Columns-systematic of the design
  •  Exchange of a column section of an
  •  existing column
  •  Valve bellows, maintenance
  •  Stirring machines
  •  Heat exchangers, shell and tube
  •  heat exchangers, repair and maintenance
  •  Dosing pumps


Course fees on demand which will be invoiced after the courses. If you are not able to participate in the course, you can cancel the course in writing no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of the course at no extra charge.
Cancellations received by us thereafter will be charged with a cancellation fee of 35 % of the course fee. If the cancellation is not received by us at least four days before the course begins, the entire course fee will be due. We have reserved hotel rooms during the courses, which we are happy to make available to you. If you have to cancel on short notice the hotel charges a no-show fee to the amount of 90% of the total accommodation price.
You can appoint a substitute participant from your company at any time.

Please send your registration incl. order to:

De Dietrich Process Systems GmbH 
Hattenbergstraße 36 - D-55122 Mainz
06131 9704 100

DATES 2025

Course 1

Deutsch - 11.02. – 13.02.2025
Deutsch - 11.03. – 13.03.2025
Deutsch - 25.03. – 27.03.2025
Deutsch - 08.04. – 10.04.2025
Deutsch - 06.05. – 08.05.2025
Deutsch - 20.05. – 22.05.2025
Deutsch - 09.09. – 11.09.2025
Deutsch - 23.09. – 25.09.2025
Deutsch - 14.10. – 16.10.2025
Deutsch - 11.11. - 13.11.2025
Deutsch - 25.11. – 27.11.2025
Englisch - 09.12. – 11.12.2025

Course 2

25.02. – 27.02.2025
28.10. – 30.10.2025

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