​Exciting & Transparent
Sustainable & Food safe
Creative & Artistic
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Our Passion for Glass

Our Passion for Glass

Exciting & Transparent
Sustainable & Food safe
Creative & Artistic

The QVF® competence centre of the De Dietrich Process Systems Group is the only manufacturer of spherical vessels up to 500 l and cylindrical components with a nominal diameter of up to DN1000. Our passion for glass goes far beyond chemical and pharmaceutical plant engineering.

Brewery, glass brewing kettle. Cruise ship with its own brewery.

Brewery, glass brewing kettle. Cruise ship with its own brewery.

Brewery, glass brewing kettle. Cruise ship with its own brewery.

Brewery, glass brewing kettle. Cruise ship with its own brewery.

Glass wine bottle DN400, during production

 Glass wine bottle DN400

DN1000 wine bottle, manufacture, largest glass bottle in the world

DN1000 wine bottle, manufacture, largest glass bottle in the world

DN1000 wine bottle, manufacture, largest glass bottle in the world

Potato dumpling, largest potato dumpling. Entry in the Guinness Book of Records.

Potato dumpling, largest potato dumpling. Entry in the Guinness Book of Records.

Hourglass in Frankfurt at the turn of the century

Hourglass in Frankfurt at the turn of the century

Hourglass in Japan.

Hourglass in Japan.

Hourglass in Mainz.

500l plasma ball

Burning glass, sphere. Cutting through metal.

Burning glass, sphere. Cutting through metal.

DN600 Column, eye-catching trade fair exhibit

DN600 Column, eye-catching trade fair exhibit

Glass cover

Glass cover

Heat exchanger, cool girl

glass sphere

Promotional glass for Schwartau jam.

Questions? We are here to help.
If you'd like to talk with a sales representative about purchasing De Dietrich Process Systems's products and services, you can reach us here.
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