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De Dietrich Process Systems in Mainz Achieves Ecovadis Silver Certification

31 October 2023
De Dietrich Process Systems in Mainz Receives Ecovadis Silver Certification: A Decade of Sustainability Excellence

De Dietrich Process Systems is delighted to announce a significant milestone in our sustainability journey. After more than a decade of dedicated efforts, our Mainz site has achieved the Ecovadis Silver Certification. This recognition reaffirms our commitment to sustainability and our mission to make the world a better place.

Our Sustainability Journey

Our journey towards sustainability began over ten years ago, and we've come a long way since then. It was five years ago when we first embarked on the Ecovadis certification program and other sustainability initiatives. These initiatives have shaped our commitment to reducing our environmental footprint and adopting responsible business practices.

The Ecovadis Assessment

The Ecovadis Silver Certification is a result of a comprehensive assessment covering 21 sustainability criteria grouped into four themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. These criteria are aligned with international sustainability standards, including the UN Global Compact Principles, ILO conventions, GRI standards, ISO 26000, CERES Roadmap, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Ruggie Framework).

Benefits for Our Stakeholders

This achievement holds significance beyond our organization. It demonstrates to our valued customers that our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are genuine and that we are actively working to minimize our carbon footprint. It's a testament to our commitment to a sustainable and responsible business approach.

Future Endeavors

We are excited to celebrate this achievement through internal communication initiatives. Moreover, we are determined to pursue further excellence and are eyeing the gold medal in the upcoming years as we continue to strengthen our sustainability efforts.

In conclusion, De Dietrich Process Systems is committed to making a positive impact on the world, and the Ecovadis Silver Certification for our Mainz site is a testament to that commitment. We look forward to a future filled with even greater sustainability achievements.

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